Makai Wars Characters

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Asagiri - Legendary Song Protagonist
Asagiri - Legendary Song Protagonist - [Event Gacha]
LVL HP ATK DEF SPD CriPer CriDmg Move Range
1 1400 338 268 175 10% 50% 2 2
120 (tofix) 10774 1343 1065 175 10% 50% 2 2
160 16940 2060 1630 220 10% 65% 2 3
s2. Legend Dancing:

Great damage to enemies within range. Decrease their ATK by 10>30% and Confuse with 70% chance for 2 turns.
CD 42

s3. Asagi Final Movement:

Super damage to targets while raising self SPD by 10>25% for 2 turns.
CD 64

p1. The Sound of a Legendary Song:

The damage you do is always increased by 40>120%, and damage received by S2 is always negated. Also, when attacking with S3, ignore half of enemy DEF and half of damage reduction effect.

p2. The Power of Chant:

At the beginning of the turn, recover from all Debuffs and Ailments, also, raise CD of enemies S3 by 1 if the enemy has at least one Debuff or Ailment. In addition, every time an enemy collapses, reduce CD of S2 and S3 by 2.

p3. Asagiri's Singing Voice:

Raise ATK of [ Asagi ] units by 70>100%, SPD by 20>40% and CriDmg by 10>40%. In addition, reduce ATK & SPD by 50% of [ Magic Sound ] enemies.

奥義 (ougi). Poetry to Save the World:

Reduce Wait by 60>100, recover HP by 75>100% and reduce CD of S3 by 5. Furthermore, raise CD of enemies S2 and S3 by 2.
Cost 10080

Last Modified: 10/03/2021