LVL | HP | ATK | DEF | SPD | CriPer | CriDmg | Move | Range |
1 | 1190 | 360 | 232 | 179 | 10% | 50% | 2 | 2 |
120 (tofix) | 9157 | 1431 | 922 | 179 | 10% | 50% | 2 | 2 |
160 | 14390 | 2190 | 1410 | 225 | 10% | 65% | 2 | 3 |
Great damage to enemies within range with 50>75% chance to Confuse for 2 turns.
CD 4 → 2
Maximum damage to a single target. [ Range: 8 ]
CD 6 → 4
When Koed revive once with 100% HP, clean all enemies buffs, reduce your Wait by 50>100, reduce the CD of S3 by 5 and raise ATK by 75>100% for 1 turn.
When attacking with S3, the damage dealt by yourself is increased by 120%. Also, when your HP are 100%, the damage you do increase by 60>120%. Furthermore, each time you defeat an enemy, recover 100% HP and reduce CD of S3 by 5.
[ Magic Sound ] units gets these power ups, ATK + 30>75%, DEF + 40>75% and SPD + 10>20%. Also, at the beginning of the turn HP of allies within 3 squares recovers by 5>15%
Recover 100% HP and reduce Wait by 70>100. In addition, the damage you do increase by 75>100% for 2 turns.
Cost 90 → 70