LVL | HP | ATK | DEF | SPD | CriPer | CriDmg | Move | Range |
1 | 1290 | 324 | 318 | 172 | 10% | 50% | 2 | 2 |
120 (tofix) | 9927 | 1288 | 1264 | 172 | 10% | 50% | 2 | 2 |
160 | 15600 | 1970 | 1930 | 216 | 10% | 65% | 2 | 3 |
Puts the joy of the 3rd anniversary into the bazooka and releases it, causing great damage to enemies within range. Increases your Spd by 15>30% for 2 turns.
CD 4 --> CD 2
The strongest continuous attack in which the power of the Asagi world gathers together that cause super damage to enemies within range and knocking back up to 2 squares away.
CD 6 --> CD 4
At the beginning of the turn, allies equipping a Gun gets a buff that increases ATK, DEF, and SPD by 33% for 2 turns.
When attacking with S3, the damage dealt is increased by 32>88%, ignoring the enemy's shield and barrier.
Every time an enemy collapses, there is a 40>100% chance that you will put up a barrier that nullifies the enemy's attack once.
When is activated, it gives you a strengthening effect that increases Atk by 70>85%, Def by 80>100%, and Spd by 50>80% for 3 turns. She also grants herself a barrier that nullifies enemy attacks three times.
Cost 90 --> 70