Makai Wars Characters

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Little Love Story - Princess and Prince
Little Love Story - Princess and Prince - [BLIND PULL]
LVL HP ATK DEF SPD CriPer CriDmg Move Range
1 1320 254 246 128 10% 50% 2 1
120 (tofix) 10158 1009 978 128 10% 50% 2 1
160 15970 1540 1500 164 10% 65% 3 1
s2. Prince, Give This:

An Heartwarming gift from the princess that raise his ATK by 50>80% and SPD by 20>50% for 2 turns.
CD 4 --> CD 2

s3. Sanction fo Forest Witch:

The wrath of the forest witch attacks causing super damage to enemies within range. Also reduce SPD of targets by 10>35% for 2 turns.
CD 6 --> CD 4

p1. Warmth that is Transmitted:

If you have any reinforcement effect, at the start of the turn reduce the CD of S3 by 4 with a 35>75% chance. Also, when attacking with S1 reduce S2 CD by 1.

p2. Two Figures:

If you have an ATK Buff on yourself raise damage dealt by 30>60%. Also, if you have a SPD Buff on yourself reduce damage received by 30>50%.

p3. Courage to Spring Up:

When S2 is being used get an immediate turn and recover 5>20% HP.

Last Modified: 02/26/2021