Makai Wars Characters

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Dusk Witch Dronya
Dusk Witch Dronya - [Shop Collab]
LVL HP ATK DEF SPD CriPer CriDmg Move Range
1 1770 276 346 164 10% 50% 2 1
120 (tofix) 13621 1097 1375 164 10% 50% 2 1
160 21410 1680 2110 207 10% 65% 3 1
s2. Magic Expansion:

Great damage to enemies within range with 60>80% chance to Burn for 2 turns and 50>80% chance to paralyze for 1 turn.
CD 42

s3. Dusk Puppet Theater Company:

Reduce enemies ATK by 15>35% & DEF by 20>45% for 2 turns and Blind and Confuse with 75% chance for 2 turns.
CD 64

p1. Witch's Brigade:

When your HP are 50% or more and you and your allies gets damaged at the same time, all allies within range (you included) resist deathblows with 1 HP.

p2. Eyes of Dusk:

Always increase the damage dealt by all allies by 35% for each attribute in the party. Also, at the beginning of the turn, there is a 50>100% chance to randomly cancel one Buff on all enemies.

p3. Guidance of Youkai Rekitei:

Raise stats of [ Collab ] units in party accordingly, ATK by 60>100%, DEF by 75>100% and SPD by 25>40%. Also, raise the damage received by all Debuffed enemies by 40>60% and decrease the damage received from Debuffed enemies by 60>90%.

奥義 (ougi). Here we Go! Youkai Rekitei!:

Remove all debuffs and ailments from all allies and increase the damage enemies will receive by 70>100% for 3 turns.
Cost 9070

Last Modified: 07/10/2021

Limited shop during Gig, Priere and Drake Banner.