LVL | HP | ATK | DEF | SPD | CriPer | CriDmg | Move | Range |
1 | 1280 | 280 | 230 | 136 | 10% | 50% | 2 | 1 |
120 (tofix) | 9850 | 1113 | 914 | 136 | 10% | 50% | 2 | 1 |
160 | 15480 | 1700 | 1400 | 173 | 10% | 65% | 3 | 1 |
Massive damage to enemies within range, also stun with a 25>40% chance for 1 turn.
CD 4 --> CD 2
Extreme damage to enemies within range.
CD 6 --> CD 4
Increase damage done by fire allies by 30>50%.
At the start of a Wave increase the damage done by 40>100% for 2 turns.
Also if Laharl has some buff decrease damage by 20>50%.
When attacking steal random buffs of enemies within range with a 40>100% probability.