Makai Wars Characters

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Genius Witch Metallia who Controls Swamp
Genius Witch Metallia who Controls Swamp - [MAKAI x HUNDRED KNIGHT]
LVL HP ATK DEF SPD CriPer CriDmg Move Range
1 1200 348 230 173 10% 50% 2 1
120 (tofix) 9235 1383 914 173 10% 50% 2 1
160 14520 2120 1400 218 10% 65% 3 1
s2. Elemental Dusk:

Great damage to targets while any abnormal condition has 15% chance each to appear on the enemies for 2 turns. [Stun and Paralisys doesn't get included]
CD 4 --> CD 2

s3. Showing Up Swamp Value:

Superior damage to enemies within range while any abnormal condition has 20% chance each to appear on the enemies for 2 turns. [Stun and Paralisys doesn't get included]
CD 6 --> CD 4

p1. Swamp Scent:

At the beginning of the WAVE posion all enemies for 5 turns. Also at the start of a WAVE reduce SPD and MOVE of walking enemies respectively by 10>30% and 2 for 2 turns.

p2. The One who Controls Swamps:

Always increase damage received of enemies under any ailments by 50%. Also increase your damage dealt by 50>100% to poisoned enemies.

p3. Revenge Laughter:

Revive once with 30>90% HP and poison up every enemy for 3 turns. Furthermore, when she resurrect, reduce WAIT by 20>80 and take away (steal) all buffs from all enemies.

奥義 (ougi). Behold, my Wonderful Swamp!:

Inflict Poison, Burn and Confusion on enemies for 5 turns! In addition damage received by enemies increases by 5>50% for 5 turns.
Cost 100 --> 80

Last Modified: 07/02/2021