Makai Wars Characters

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Blooming Rozalin
Blooming Rozalin - [NORMAL PULL]
Disgaea 2
LVL HP ATK DEF SPD CriPer CriDmg Move Range
1 1500 290 300 155 10% 50% 2 2
120 (tofix) 11544 1153 1192 155 10% 50% 2 2
160 18150 1760 1830 196 10% 65% 2 3
s2. Roses's Crest:

Great damage to targets. Also put a barrier on yourself that protect you from the next hit.
CD 4 --> CD 2

s3. River of Roses:

Superior damage to enemies within range, bind with 40>80% chance for 2 turns.
CD 6 --> CD 4

p1. Princess Protection:

A the beginning of a Wave put on a barrier on yourself that negate the next 2 hits.
Also if you have a barrier on increase damage done by 30>50%.

p2. Power Release:

When attacking if you're HP are 100% then increase damage done by 20>50% else reduce damage taken by 20>50% and at the end of the turn reduce Wait by 25.

p3. Cold Assist:

Raise SPD & Move of water allies respectively by 10>30% and 1.

奥義 (ougi). Cold Evil Wall:

When activated put a barrier on all allies that nullify 1>2 hit/s. Also recover your HP by 50>100%.
PT 100 --> 80

Last Modified: 07/02/2021