Makai Wars Characters

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Rabbit Demon King Usalia
Rabbit Demon King Usalia - [NORMAL PULL]
LVL HP ATK DEF SPD CriPer CriDmg Move Range
1 1130 278 232 149 10% 50% 2 1
120 (tofix) 8695 1105 922 149 10% 50% 2 1
160 13670 1690 1410 189 10% 65% 3 1
s2. Energy Burst:

Heavy damage to enemies within range and reduce DEF by 15>30% for 2 turns.
CD 4 --> CD 2

s3. Berserk Storm:

Massive damage to enemies also inhibite heals with 25>50% probability for 2 turns.
CD 6 --> CD 4

p1. Runaway Reason:

At the beginning of your turn if you don't have any buff on overheat yourself for 1 turn and buff for 2 turn
ATK & SPD by40>100% and increase MOVE by 2 for 2 turns too.

p2. Wild Aura:

When SPD is less than the enemy decrease damage received by 20>50%.
When SPD is more than the enemy increase damage done by 40>70%.

p3. Rabbit Speed:

At the end of your turn if you have any abnormal condition decrease Wait by 20>40.

Last Modified: 02/17/2021