Makai Wars Characters

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Leading Sacred Song Valkyrie
Leading Sacred Song Valkyrie - [Event Pull]
Yurudora / Valkyrie
LVL HP ATK DEF SPD CriPer CriDmg Move Range
1 1280 248 342 190 10% 50% 2 2
120 (tofix) 9850 986 1359 190 10% 50% 2 2
160 15480 1510 2080 238 10% 65% 2 3
s2. Command of Valkyrie:

Recover 20% HP of allies within range and increase ATK & DEF by 40>70% for 2 turns.
CD 4 --> 2

s3. Battlefield Oratorio:

Superior damage to targets.
CD 6 --> 4

p1. Midori Flying in the Sky:

Always increase the damage you do to Walking characters by 100>150% and reduce the damage you receive from walking units by 40>70%. Also, when being attacked, randomly clear one abnormal condition of all allies.

p2. Investigation of the Valkyrie:

When S2 is used, get another turn. Also, at the beginning of the turn, all allies adjacent to you get a Buff that increase ATK & SPD by 10>25% for 2 turns.

p3. Leading Wings:

Increase ATK & DEF of category [ Yurudora ] by 100% and SPD by 15>40%. Also if there is at least a Light ally on the field the damage received by all allies decrease by 50>80%. In addition if there is a Dark ally damage dealt by the party raise by 50>80%.

奥義 (ougi). Shining Guiding Wings:

Clear all Debuffs and Ailment on yourself and reduce Wait by 100. Furthermore, for 3 turns, raise damage done by all allies by 70>100%.
Cost 90 --> 70

Last Modified: 07/02/2021